How to Whitelist an Email Address or Domain for All Email Users

Email administrators have the ability to whitelist an entire domain or individual email address for all email users. This feature is useful when legitimate emails are continually flagged as spam or would like to avoid important emails being blocked or directed to the Junk Email folder.

Whitelisting is accomplished by adding domains or email addresses to the Trusted Senders list.

  1. Log in to webmail e.g. with an administrator account.
  2. On the top menu bar, click More to expand the drop-down menu, then click Domain Settings.
  3. On the left bar, click on Spam Filtering (1).
  4. Click on Trusted Domains or Trusted Email Addresses (2) to add a domain or email address to your Trusted Senders list.
    • Enter the domains or email addresses, one per line
    • Click Save.

  5. Click Save.

Going forward, all emails sent from those designated as a trusted sender will be exempt from spam filtering and directed to a user’s inbox.

Trusted senders aren’t exempt from SPF and DKIM verification checks. If an email message fails either of these checks, it will be placed in the user’s Junk Email folder.

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